Monday, February 28, 2011

Resume for Senior Year

I've pasted in the resume that I wrote for Portfolio class.  Interestingly, this was my first experience writing a resume, and it may very well be my last because my field of interest does not typically use traditional resumes.

Tyler J. Willman
700 1st Ave. W.
Farley, IA 52046
563.599.7192 (cell)
Objective:                    Medical Student

Education:                   Loras College, Dubuque, IA   Aug. 2007-present
                                    Senior working towards B.S. in biochemistry (May 2011)
·         GPA:  Overall-3.985/4.0; Major-4.0
·         Dean’s List (7 semesters)
·         Senior Research Proposal:  Creation of a ligation independent cloning vector for a study of the FCHO2 gene in Danio rario
·         Loras College Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry (2008-2009)
·         Loras College Undergraduate Award in Organic Chemistry (2008-2009)
·         Breitbach Catholic Thinkers and Leaders Program
·         Monsignor George N. Schulte Scholarship (2010-2011)
·         President of Delta Epsilon Sigma National Honor Society Alpha Chapter (2010-2011)
Work:                          Mercy Medical Center, Dubuque, IA
                                    Behavioral Health Technician, (2008-2009)
·         Worked closely with physicians and nurses to provide care to behavioral health patients
Loras College, Dubuque, IA
Chemistry Supplemental Instructor, (2008-present)
·         Lead review sessions over general chemistry lectures
·         Served as a mentor for students in the sciences
·         Created lesson plans and worksheets to assist with students’ learning
Personal:                      Leisure interests spent outdoors running and hiking… Studied abroad in China (2009) and Italy (2010)

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