Monday, February 28, 2011

Introduction to "Clash: A Reflection on Science and Religion Courses at Loras College"

Below is the introduction to my Portfolio project.  As a preface to my reaction to Prompt 3, I need to admit that I was hesitant to write about my religious beliefs or lack thereof.  There are multiple influential people in my life who still believe I am a devote Catholic, and sadly, their opinion of me would likely somewhat diminish if they knew my actual position on the matter.  I am slowly becoming more comfortable with sharing my stance on the issue, but I do not think I will reach the point where I willingly proclaim my atheism.  This is partly because of my restrained nature when it comes to controversial issues.  Another reason is that I quickly become tired and peeved with people who try to delve into the reasons I am an atheist or convert me.  I honestly believe these instances will occur less and less as we proceed further into the 21st century.  While some may counter that religion has overcome periods of non-belief before, I believe religion is losing its significance and hold on my generation.

As I approach the end of my undergraduate education, it is interesting to reflect back on my initial attraction to Loras College.  In all honesty, I did not desire to attend Loras at all.  Rather, I envisioned myself leaving the area to attend a prestigious private college, but this was not possible due to both pedestrian high school academics and financial limitations.  I was essentially forced to attend Loras once I was awarded the Breitbach Catholic Thinkers and Leaders scholarship.  My outlook eventually improved because at this school I would be able to combine my Catholicism with my desire to pursue a career in the health sciences.  I saw absolutely no contradiction at this point in my life between my faith and science, and I actually believed they helped make one another stronger.  While it required four years to fully develop this viewpoint, I now completely believe that my training as a scientist does not leave open the possibility of a belief in a higher power.  Still, I am appreciative of my religious past for helping to shape my into a well rounded being, and I will try to remain receptive of others’ religious beliefs in the future.

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