Thursday, January 13, 2011

This Week's Music

I've decided to share some songs/artists that I'm really into this week in lab.  If only Pandora didn't have a forty hour limit per month...

Smashing Pumpkins- Cherub Rock, Today, and Tonight, Tonight
The Band (This one's for you, Casey and Brennan)
The Format (So unknown, so great)
Death Cab for Cutie  (Except for that crappy song from the Twilight movie.  Boo to selling out!)
Marshall Tucker Band
Radiohead (First time I've actually listened to The Bends and Ok Computer completely through, and it was amazing)
Bon Iver (Anyone who produces an album in a cabin in Wisconsin is cool with me)


  1. Ty,
    I appreciate the shout out with "The Band". Due to the jokes cracked in class, i may just have to head home this weekend and download some of their music just for you.

  2. Ty,
    Good stuff. I agree with all of them making it to the list. Thanks for making the days shorter and the research more interesting. Good humor and hilarious singing (sometimes, even dance moves). Keep the tunes going.

  3. What? I missed the dance moves. Maybe we can get a little video of lab dance moves for the J-term showcase...

  4. Dr. Cooper,

    Just put on 'N Sync radio on Pandora and the dance moves will inevitably come out. Stay tuned for more...

  5. What kind of music do you generally listen to?
