Sunday, March 6, 2011

Conclusion to "Clash: A Reflection on Science and Religion Courses at Loras College"

Medical Education and Research Facility at the Carver College of Medicine in Iowa City, IA.  I will most likely be attending the University of Iowa next year for medical school.

             It is a bit surreal to think that I am nearing the end of my undergraduate education and will soon be pursuing a medical degree.  I owe a large portion of my success to my experiences at Loras College, and I believe my courses have prepared me to make a seamless transition into medical school.  For these things, I will forever be grateful of my time at Loras.
            However, what I will remember most about my undergraduate education is the personal transformations I underwent.  I am no longer driven by the thought of financial success, but rather, I see becoming a physician as an opportunity to give back to humanity.  Still, my greatest change has to be in my belief in a higher power.  Some critics of my beliefs have pointed out that I am merely going through an extended period of doubt.  While this is always a possibility, I find the chance of believing in God again highly unlikely.  This is because this decision did not come about lightly, and I believe I am currently the best version of myself.   
            The real question is “Where do I go from here?”  My answer is quite simple.  I foresee carrying out my beliefs much the same as I currently do.  This is a personal system that determines only how I carry out my life.  I am not at all interested in trying to turn others against God.  While I may not agree with them, they are exercising their right to freedom of religion by practicing whatever belief system they hold.  I also will strive to not allow differences in faith to interfere with how I practice medicine.  If a procedure goes against someone else’s belief system, then I must respect his or her wishes even if I believe them to be detrimental.  I can only hope that others will treat my well thought out decision similarly and realize that I am not defined solely by my atheism.

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